1. As per AHSEC guideline, 75% attendance is mandatory, below which the student may not be allowed to appear in the final examination.
2. Guardians / Parents must sign in an agreement of rules & regulations at the time of admission.
3. Cellular devices, camera or any other multimedia devices are strictly prohibited within the college campus. If found, such item(s) will be seized and the student will be fined with Rs.500/-
4. Bikes, Scooters & Cars are strictly prohibited for students within the college campus.
5. The college authority reserves the right to check the personal belongings of the students like bags, cloth (boys only), purse, etc. without any prior notification and if any objectionable material is found, the college authority will take action against him/her appropriate to the gravity of the offense.
6. The student is liable to pay the cost of college property if damaged intentionally.
7. Students without college uniform and identity card will not be allowed within the college campus.
8. In case if the ID card of a student is lost/damaged, a duplicate ID card will be issued by the institute against payment of Rs.100/-
9. Students found absent in any examination conducted by the college will be fined with Rs.200/- (Exemption from the fine will be considered under valid reasons or proper medical certificate).
10. The progress report containing the attendance and evaluation details of a student will be sent to the guardian/parent after every exam and they have to sign in the report.
11. No students will be allowed to enter the college campus after 15 minutes of the scheduled time.
12. No students from other institutes will be allowed inside the college campus without valid reasons.
13. Student (s) if found roaming outside the college campus in uniform during college hours will be subjected to disciplinary action and may lead to suspension.
14. Students must pay the installments of tuition fees on the scheduled date or else a late fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged thereafter.
15. The management is not responsible for the loss of valuable goods inside the college campus.
16. No Transfer Certificate will be issued and no fresh admission will be taken at any time of the year unless full dues of the academic session are paid.
17. Chips, Chocolates, Cold-drinks, Ice-creams or any other packaged food items are not allowed within college premises.
18. Any student found chewing Gutkha, Pan-masala, Tobacco or consuming any alcoholic product will be subjected to disciplinary actions and may lead to suspension.