Sri Kabul Hazarika

MA (Economics), Gauhati University
Contact: Office of the Principal, Matrix Junior College Nagaon-782001, Assam(India)
Email: matrixjrcollege@gmail.com

Our Pride


Our Stream


The goal of Science Stream is to help students attain the knowledge and skills required to succeed at the next level of science education. To develop students' abilities to use laboratory equipment and technology appropriately and safely, along with the abilities to measure, organize and communicate scientific education.


It has always been the endeavor at Matrix Junior College to equip our students of Arts stream with the basic fundamental skills. We strive to continuously improve and develop in the students, leadership quality to meet challenges. Through active learning, we aim to infuse in our students the power of logical reasoning and good communication skill to face the competitive world with confidence.

Our Events

Teachers' Day

Matrix Junior College celebrates Teacher's Day with the initiative of the students. The students organized the day to show their love, respect and honor their teachers. They take leadership roles and under the guidance of their teachers, the day is celebrated with meetings, speeches, songs, etc. with the active participation of students.

Freshers' Day

Freshers' Day at Matrix Junior College is about promoting brotherhood among our students and to maintain an amicable relationship with one another. It is celebrated with pomp and gaiety to welcome the newcomers and is an opportunity to socialize with each other.


This is one event in the college calendar which is eagerly anticipated and looked forward to by both the students and teaching community alike. Every year Matrix Junior College organizes an excursion cum environmental tour to some renowned places to give the students an exposure to nature and develop a bond with the environment.

World Environment Day

Every year on 5th June Matrix Junior College celebrates World Environment Day to infuse into the students a sense of responsibility about their environment. Students are taught the importance of protection and preservation of the fragile eco-system. The day is also marked by plantation of trees and other activities.

World Science Day

World Science Day is observed at Matrix Junior College to generate a scientific temper among the students. World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the important role that science has in society and is celebrated each year on November 10. It also highlights the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues.